Command Line compilation Using Fan¶
Hello world
Create a file
as follows:print_endline "hello, Fan"
The compile is quite simple, make sure
is in your search path:$ ocamlc -pp 'fan.native' -o test $ ./test
As you may notice, adding
-pp 'fan.native'
flag is enough to switching toFan
. Usingfan.byte
is up to you, for the time being, only the performance matters here. So, compiling with the following command line does also work:$ ocamlc -pp 'fan.native' -o test
First class lexer
Writing hello world is not very interesting, for the following example, we show you how DDSL fits into Fan. Suppose we want to write a lexical analyzier to filter nested comments in OCaml, the traditional way is to write a complex regex expression, or start a new file to write a lexer. The first way is hackish, inefficient, unmaintainable in the long run while the second way is too heavy weight, since lexer generator is a standard alone external DDSL which introduces another staging phase.
Within Fan, we show how easy it is now:
let depth = ref 0 let rec f = %lex{ | "(*" -> comment lexbuf | '"' -> (print_char '"'; string lexbuf) | _ as c -> (print_char c; f lexbuf) | ! -> exit 0 } and comment = %lex{ | "*)" -> if !depth = 0 then f lexbuf else begin decr depth; comment lexbuf end | "(*" -> incr depth | _ -> comment lexbuf | ! -> failwith "unterminated comment" } and string = %lex{ | '"' -> (print_char '"'; f lexbuf) | _ as c -> (print_char c; string lexbuf) | ! -> failwith "unterminated string" } let _ = f (Lexing.from_channel (open_in ""));;
Compiling is the same as the previous example
:$ ocamlc -pp 'fan.native' -o comment
Here we see the lexer DDSL is first class construct in Fan, the user don’t need to create a new file to isolate their lexer, it’s as convenient as regex expression in perl. So it works in
, it works with module system, and objects, that said, the user could make lexer reusable by using objects instead of functions.Abot the internal of
lexer DDSL
, see Lexer DDSL