Fan’s plugins¶
A native example
Suppose we want a new syntax for expressions,
(matches <pattern> ) or (matches when <pattern> when <expr>))
that desugars into a test function returning a boolean:
(function | <pattern> when <expr> -> true | _ -> false)
Then we could create a file as follows:
%create{ p};; %extend{ p: [ pat{p};"when"; exp{e} -> %exp{ function | $p when $e -> true |_ -> false } | pat{p} -> %exp{ function | $p -> true | _ -> false } ] };; let d = `Absolute["Tutorial"];; AstQuotation.of_exp ~name:(d,"q") ~entry:p;;
- Create a new entry
for this DDSL - Write the grammar for the new DDSL
- Register the new DDSL named q, in the namespace
- Create a new entry
To compile the file:
$ ocamlc -pp 'fan.native'
Test on the fly
We can eval the code on the fly without installing the plugins using the preprocessor
As follows:
#{:eval| open Fsyntax {:create| Fgram p|};; {:extend| p: [pat{p};"when"; exp{e} -> {:exp| function | $pat:p when $e -> true |_ -> false |} |pat{p} -> {:exp| function | $pat:p -> true | _ -> false |} ] |};; let d = `Absolute["Tutorial"];; AstQuotation.of_exp ~name:(d,"q") ~entry:p;; |} #{:control| import Tutorial ; |} if {:q| {:exp-| $a+$b|}|} {:exp-| 3 + 4|} then print_endline "yes!" else print_endline "no"
To compile the file, you only need to switch from the preprocessor
:$ ocamlc -pp 'fane.byte ' && ./a.out